Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Well I’m already slacking at this whole blogging thing so I guess I’ll catch you up on the past few days.

Friday: sushi and sake…these are a few of my favorite things!

Saturday: SCOTTISH FESTIVAL! The tales of this beloved place turned out to be true. A dear friend of mine has talked and talked about this crazy place where she spent many of her childhood days. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first but where else do you see men in kilts, can buy whiskey pie (which I think would probably get you hammered) and witness record breaking curling matches? Every single person there was waving their freak flag high…I felt at home.

We ended the day with watching TCU baseball in the Super Regionals against UT.
Series Results: 0-1

Sunday: pool, baseball and Better Than Ezra! Somehow we got VIP wristbands at the House of Blues and decided it was a great idea to order Manhattans. NEVER do this…ever.
Series Results: 1-1 (plans to road trip to Omaha were being made)

Monday: plans to lead a fulfilled life continue with daily walks around the neighborhood. I’m beginning to feel nostalgic of TCU neighborhoods. I can’t walk around neighborhoods once I get to Dallas!
Series Results: 1-2 (plans to road trip to Omaha cancelled)

Tuesday: lunch with a friend, ANOHTER interview and The Hangover. Skip work and go see this movie! 

PS I’m trying to come up with a theme for my blog. Any ideas?  

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hello Cyber Space!

I just graduated from college and have entered the “Real World.” Like most, I’m still unemployed, absolutely terrified and so excited to begin my new life. I’m moving to Dallas in a few weeks and until then, I’m going to enjoy my TCU bubble a bit more.

I felt this was the most opportune time in my life to share with the world my thoughts, humors, events and ramblings.  So with that, sit back and enjoy. And don’t judge, I’m new at this!